title = {{2D-AoI}: Age-of-Information of Distributed Sensors for Spatio-Temporal Processes},
author = {Markus Fidler and Flavio Gallistl and Jaya Prakash Champati and Joerg Widmer},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.12789},
month = {Dec.},
year = {2024}
title = {Exploring the boundaries of on-device inference: When tiny falls short, go hierarchical},
author = {Adarsh Prasad Behera and Paulius Daubaris and Inaki Bravo and Jose Gallego and Roberto Morabito and Joerg Widmer and Jaya Prakash Varma Champati},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.11061},
month = {July},
year = {2024}
title = {Fundamental Trade-Offs in Monostatic ISAC{}: A Holistic Investigation Towards {6G}},
author = {Musa Furkan Keskin and Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedian and Carina Marcus and Olof Eriksson and Andrea Giorgetti and Joerg Widmer and Henk Wymeersch},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.18011},
month = {Jan.},
year = {2024}
title = {{EXPLORA}: {AI/ML} EXPLainability for the Open {RAN}},
author = {Claudio Fiandrino and Leonardo Bonati and Salvatore D'Oro and Michele Polese and Tommaso Melodia and Joerg Widmer},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.13667},
month = {Oct.},
year = {2023}
title = {Mid-Band {5G}: A Measurement Study in {Europe} and {US}},
author = {Rostand A. K. Fezeu and Jason Carpenter and Claudio Fiandrino and Eman Ramadan and Wei Ye and Joerg Widmer and Feng Qian and Zhi-Li Zhang},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.11000},
month = {Oct.},
year = {2023}
title = {Integrated Sensing and Communications with {MIMO-OTFS}},
author = {Musa Furkan Keskin and Carina Marcus and Olof Eriksson and Alex Alvarado and Joerg Widmer and Henk Wymeersch},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.06361},
month = {June},
year = {2023}
title = {{DISC}: a Dataset for Integrated Sensing and Communication in mmWave Systems},
author = {Pegoraro, Jacopo and Lacruz, Jesus Omar and Rossi, Michele and Widmer, Joerg},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09469},
month = {June},
year = {2023}
title = {{JUMP}: Joint communication and sensing with Unsynchronized transceivers Made Practical},
author = {Pegoraro, Jacopo and Lacruz, Jesus Omar and Azzino, Tommy and Mezzavilla, Marco and Rossi, Michele and Widmer, Joerg and Rangan, Sundeep},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07766},
month = {Apr.},
year = {2023}
title = {Statistical Age-of-Information Bounds for Parallel Systems: When Do Independent Channels Make a Difference?},
author = {Markus Fidler and Jaya Champati and Joerg Widmer and Mahsa Noroozi},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14035},
month = {Mar.},
year = {2023}
title = {Cross-Link Channel Prediction for Massive {IoT} Networks},
author = {Kun Woo Cho and Marco Cominelli and Francesco Gringoli and Joerg Widmer and Kyle Jamieson},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07663},
month = {Dec.},
year = {2022}
title = {{SPARCS}: A Sparse Recovery Approach for Integrated Communication and Human Sensing in {mmWave} Systems},
author = {Pegoraro, Jacopo and Lacruz, Jesus Omar and Rossi, Michele and Widmer, Joerg},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03263},
month = {May},
year = {2022}
title = {{RAPID}: Retrofitting {IEEE} 802.11ay Access Points for Indoor Human Detection and Sensing},
author = {Pegoraro, Jacopo and Lacruz, Jesus Omar and Bashirov, Enver and Rossi, Michele and Widmer, Joerg},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.04819},
month = {Sep.},
year = {2021}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Autoencoder-Based End-to-End Communication Over Wireless Channels},
author = {Raghuram, Jayaram and Zeng, Yijing and Mart{\'\i}, Dolores Garc{\'\i}a and Jha, Somesh and Banerjee, Suman and Widmer, Joerg and Ortiz, Rafael Ruiz},
institution = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.00874},
month = {Aug.},
year = {2021}
title = {Architectural enablers and concepts for mm-wave {RAN} integration},
author = {Rugeland, Patrik and Tercero, Miurel and Li, Yilin and Luo, Jian and Fiandrino, Claudio and Widmer, Joerg and Filippou, Miltiadis and Miao, Honglei and Safjan, Krystian and Vijay, Arnesh and others},
institution = {5G PPP mmMAGIC White Paper},
year = {2017}
title = {Architectural aspects of mm-wave radio access integration with 5{G} ecosystem},
author = {Halbauer, Hardy and Rugeland, Patrik and Li, Yilin and Widmer, Joerg and Rybakowski, Marcin and Safjan, Krystian and Vijay, Arnesh and Isabelle Siaud and Anne-Marie Ulmer-Moll and David Gutierrez Estevez and Mehrdad Shariat and Maciej Soszka},
institution = {5G PPP mmMAGIC White Paper},
year = {2016}
author = {W. Kellerer and N. Ishikawa and J. Widmer and Z. Despotovic},
title = {Object Tracking System: Architecture, Protocol and
its Evaluation},
institution = {NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal},
year = 2007,
number = {Vol. 15, No. 3},
url = {}
author = {Ruben Merz and Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Joerg Widmer},
title = {An Architecture for Wireless Simulation in NS-2 Applied to Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wide Band Networks},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = {2006},
month = {Dec.},
number = {LCA-REPORT-2006-128},
url = {}
author = {Christina Fragouli and Jean-Yves
Le Boudec and Joerg Widmer },
title = {Network Coding: An Instant Primer},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = {2005},
month = {Nov.},
number = {LCA-REPORT-2005-010},
url = {}
author = {Christina Fragouli and Joerg Widmer and Jean-Yves
Le Boudec},
title = {A Network Coding Approach to Energy Efficient
Broadcasting: from Theory to Practice},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = {2005},
month = {July},
number = {LCA-REPORT-2005-009},
url = {}
author = {A. El Fawal and J. Y. Le Boudec and R. Merz and B. Radunovic and J. Widmer and G. M. Maggio},
title = {Tradeoff Analysis of {PHY} aware {MAC} in Low-Rate, Low-Power {UWB} Networks},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = {2005},
number = {IC/2005/32},
month = {June},
url = {}
author = {Ruben Merz and Joerg Widmer and Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Bozidar Radunovic},
title = {A Joint {PHY/MAC} Architecture for Low-Radiated Power
{TH-UWB} Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = {2004},
number = {LCA-REPORT-2004-025},
month = {July},
url = {}
author = {Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Ruben Merz and Bozidar
Radunovic and Joerg Widmer},
title = {A {MAC} protocol for {UWB} Very Low Power Mobile
Ad-hoc Networks based on Dynamic Channel Coding with
Interference Mitigation},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
number = {LCA-REPORT-2004-029},
year = 2004,
month = {Jan.},
url = {}
author = {Matthias Transier and Holger F\"u\ss{}ler and Joerg
Widmer and Martin Mauve and Wolfgang Effelsberg},
title = {A Hierarchical Approach to Position-Based
Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks},
institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of
year = {2004},
number = {TR-04-002},
month = {Jan.},
url = {}
author = {Holger F\"u\ss{}ler and Joerg Widmer and Michael
K\"asemann and Martin Mauve and Hannes Hartenstein},
title = {Beaconless Position-Based Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc
institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of
year = {2003},
number = {TR-03-001},
month = {Feb.},
url = {;jsessionid=A2E93FA94C02CC072267DBB7A910A6D5?doi=}
author = {Martin Mauve and Holger F\"u\ss{}ler and Joerg Widmer and Thomas Lang},
title = {Position-Based Multicast Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks},
institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2003,
number = {TR-03-004},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer and Catherine Boutremans and Jean-Yves Le Boudec},
title = {End-to-end Congestion Control for Flows with Variable Packet Size},
institution = {EPFL-DI-ICA},
year = 2002,
number = {SSC/2002/82},
month = {Dec.},
url = {}
author = {J\"urgen Vogel and Joerg Widmer and Dirk Farin and Martin Mauve},
title = {Application-Aware Distribution Trees for Application-Level Multicast},
institution = {Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2002,
number = {TR-02-010},
month = {Oct.},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer and Robert Denda and Martin Mauve},
title = {A Survey on {TCP}-Friendly Congestion Control (extended version)},
institution = {Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2001,
number = {TR-01-002},
month = {Feb.},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer and Martin Mauve and Jan Peter Damm},
title = {Probabilistic Congestion Control for Non-Adaptable Flows},
institution = {Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2001,
number = {TR-01-003},
month = {Apr.},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer and Thomas Fuhrmann},
title = {Extremum Feedback for Very Large Multicast Groups},
institution = {Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2001,
number = {TR-01-012},
month = {May},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer and Mark Handley},
title = {Extending Equation-based Congestion Control to Multicast Applications},
institution = {Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Mannheim},
year = 2001,
number = {TR-2001-13},
month = {June},
url = {}
author = {Joachim Sokol and Joerg Widmer},
title = {{USAIA}: Ubiquitous Service Access Internet Architecture},
institution = {International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)},
year = 2001,
number = {TR-01-003},
month = {Jan.},
url = {}
author = {Sally Floyd and Mark Handley and Jitendra Padhye and Joerg Widmer},
title = {Equation-Based Congestion Control for Unicast Applications: the Extended Version},
institution = {International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)},
year = 2000,
number = {TR-00-003},
month = {Mar.},
url = {}
author = {Joerg Widmer},
title = {Network Simulations for a Mobile Network Architecture for Vehicles},
institution = {International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)},
year = 2000,
number = {TR-00-009},
month = {May},
url = {}